New standard reach for Ceia EMA-4 multi‐sensor liquid explosive detection system.
August 2 2021 | Tactical Solutions
We are excited to announce the launch of the new CEIA S.p.A. EMA-4 .
The EMA‐4 is a multi‐sensor liquid explosive detection system that is now certified according to the ECAC performance requirements for Standard 3 Type B Liquid Explosive Detection Systems (LEDS).
You might have seen the previous EMA-3 versions at various airports on your travels. The good news is that there is an upgrade path available for these units to bring them up to the new standards.
The detection capability of the certified EMA‐4 liquid analyser complies with and exceeds the current European requirements. The characteristics of the comprehensive set of sensors installed on the equipment make the EMA‐4 a unique low power solution providing very high security, high throughput, ease of use, and maximum safety for the operator.
The unit is designed to check sealed and unsealed liquid containers carried by people in transit through Security Checkpoints, in order to verify whether their characteristics meet the requirements needed to access sensitive areas. The device can inspect all types of consumable liquids in most general use, such as:
+ water
+ non-alcoholic drinks (fruit juices, lemonades, …)
+ slightly alcoholic drinks (beer, cider, ..)
+ wine
+ medium and high strength spirits
The content of the bottles is analysed without the need to open the container, as the detection of dangerous substances is effected using non-ionizing electromagnetic fields in the R.F. band and I.R. band, gravimetric sensor and Acoustic Time of Flight sensor.
+ EMA-4 is able to analyse bottles independently of their shape. The EMA-4 ’s sensors are designed to easily inspect the liquid inside sealed bottles.
+ The size of EMA-4 inspection compartment and the position of the sensor allows a wide range of ottles with different capacity to be analysed.
+ EMA-4 is able to analyse bottles independently of their container material: for instance glass, plastic, metal, ceramic.
+ EMA-4 is able to analyse the liquids without opening the bottle because containers are permeable to the energy used by the sensors.
+ EMA-4 is able to analyse labelled bottles without removing the labels.
If you would like further information on the new EMA-4 unit or to upgrade your previous versions please get in touch with us through the contact us section below.