Tactical Solutions

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UTM was founded in 2000 with a mission to provide a safe training ammunition that would allow military, law enforcement and professional training organizations to ‘train as they fight’.

Having created an extremely advanced non-lethal training ammunition, UTM understood their products had far wider implications on how militaries, agencies and professional organizations trained. With unparalleled technology, training methodologies and products – field tested and proven – the UTM System is the most effective, immersive and greenest in the industry.
UTM quality control, craftsmanship and engineering advancements proved more than successful when it was tested by the US military and achieved a 99.8% reliability and safety rating in 2007 and every year since – making it the highest rated non-lethal training ammunition on the market, with the added benefit of being fully U.S. EPA approved land fill safe, low emission and non-toxic primers available – resulting in a major US Department of Defense contract for their Close Combat Mission Capability Kit (CCMCK).